Thursday, December 9, 2010

Paulie Gatto's Death Scene

While I was watching The Godfather again, in order to expand my knowledge about the movie and review scenes that I did not understand, I found parts in the movie that I did not noticed them first time I was watching it in the class. One of the scenes that particularly drew my attention was the scene that Peter Clemenza is going with his right hand man, Pauline Gatto, as well as Rocco Lampone to mattresses. Although it seemed they are going to mettresses, they were going to kill Paulie. As Pauline who was also Godfather’s chauffeur got sick and did not show up for guarding Don Vito Corleone, Suntino Carleone doubt that Paulie Gatoo was guilty on the Godfather’s assassination. Therefore, He ordered for his death by Peter Clemenza and Rocco Lampone. While driving their car passed two flags: United States and Red Cross. As they arrived, Clemenza told Paulie to stop the car so he can “take a leak”. Then, he gets off the car and turned his back to the statue of liberty which is far from them, but the audience still can see it .Cappola is depicting how these mafia groups overtake all the human values to kill someone. What I also found unique in this scene is the way that Clemenza behaved. After they murdered Paulie , Clemenza took the cannoli box that he bought for his wife and calmly blew the car. Without any unnatural attitude.

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